If you have made several edits to the page, take a close look again at the code. Do you understand all of the tags. Hey, I've got an idea! Let's try to screw it up an see what happens. Let's start deleting tags and then see how it looks in the browser. Sounds like fun, huh? Maybe not, but it gives me a chance to introduce the HTML "comment" tag. You can hide lines of text that are on an HTML document from the browser by typing this line:
any thing in here is hidden from view
until the closing comment tag
I usually make the line really long so I can locate comments areas quickly.
<!--------------------- begin hiding ------------------------
in here is the stuff that I'm "commenting out", well not really because you can still see it. This is way it looks on the HTML page in your text editor, I had to use escape codes to get it look like this in the browser. More about that later. The point it that there are several reason you might want to hide something without deleting it. It might be code or it might be some text explaining something to the benefit of the other HTML programmer who might be looking at the code sometime and would like to know what the heck is going on without breaking it down line by line. You get the idea. It's hidden from the browser window. Well, not this example but...
---------------------- end hiding ---------------------------->
So, here's what we're gonna do. Open the HTML document in the text editor and comment out the HEAD tag by typing "<!--" in front of the opening HEAD tag. But first Open the HTML page in the browser and take note of the name in the Window bar. It should be "web pages 'R us" usless you've changed it.
Now back to the text editor, type "-->" after the opening HEAD tag. When you're done it should look like this:
It's most convenient to put the comment tags on separate lines so that you can delete the whole line without messing up any of the other code.
SAVE the HTML doc. Save often. Reload the page in the browser. See any difference. Sometimes a missing tag cause a big problem, sometimes not. Notice the title of the browser window.
Move the closing comment tag behind the closing /HEAD tag. SAVE, RELOAD. Notice the title of the browser window. Did it change?
You will find the comment tags useful in your HTML programming. If you look at the source code of this page you'll notice that in the HEAD section I have a bunch of color codes written inside comment tags. You can't see them but they're there. That way as a HTML programmer, I'll always have the codes handy if I want to change an background color or font color. I can never remember which page in my books they are (and I sure don't have them memorized!) so I now I put them in where I need them, in the HTML document.