please fill out questionnaire

***** Questionnaire *****

I'd like to find out some information about each person enrolled in the class. Here is a questionnaire;

part one - technical stuff
  1. Mailing address (optional for now)

  2. What browser/version are you using? Netscape Internet Explorer HotJava Other
    Which Version or specify other?

  3. What computer platform are you using?
    Windows XP
    Windows ME
    Windows 98
    Windows NT
    Windows 95
    Windows 3.1

  4. Are the web page MIDI files working? yes no
    If so, what are you using to play MIDI files? MIDPLUG, Quicktime, or something else?
    MIDPLUG Quicktime Windows MediaPlayer Other

  5. Are the web page graphics working? (do you see music diagrams on the page?) yes no

  6. Does the quiz work? yes no
    Does it need instructions? yes no

  7. Can you log in to ETUDES? always almost always usually usually not never
part two - music stuff.

You are not required to have any music background for this course, but often students do have experience, and its helpful for me to get a general feeling of everyone's background.

  1. Have you sung in a choir? yes no

  2. Have you played in a band (rock, blues etc.)? yes no

  3. Have you played in an orchestra? yes no

  4. What instruments do you own or play, if any?

  5. Have you written any songs (even unfinished ones)? yes no

  6. What is your favorite style of music? Name a few performers you like.

  7. Who is your favorite Beatle?
    Oops, wrong decade ;-)

Additional comments

Thank you, feel free to contact me often.