- Basic Music Theory Game
- Bach Chorales Using Tone.js
- Music Theory Using Tone.js
- Stay At Home
- Instructional Guitar Videos
- Beginning Guitar Chords with Images
- Quicktime movie of Travis picking lesson
- Javascript Guitar Diagram
- Beginning Strumming exercises
- Essential Scales
- Seventh Chords and Inversions
- Chord Diagrams
- Tuning the Guitar
- Online Music Fundamentals textbook
This site, features guitar and music related stuff. Currently the open attractions are "GuitarSeminar", (an online guitar lesson service courtesy OpenMind publishing), "In Concert", some Web Programming resources and "EartrainingLand", a practice room to experience scales, intervals, chords, etc.
On Line |
Below are some links to guitar lessons in a variety of formats. | If you are interested in using the browser to create music you can take a look at Using Tone.js |
In Concert at GuitarLand
On Classical guitar, Mike Sult performs Canarios by Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710)
This version of a popular Spanish dance form was originally published in Sanz's Instruccion de Musica Sobre la Guitarra Espanola, which hit the streets in 1674. Of particular interest are the 6/8 vs. 3/4 cross rhythms that are sprinkled throughout the composition.

Canarios - Gaspar Sanz
Open mp3 file
The Web. It ain't rocket science.
From: GuitarLand park rangers:
We believe in the current age it is a good idea for all citizens to become more educated in the basic concepts used in web programming. It isn't all that complex when you break it all down. Communication via the web is so important that society as a whole shouldn't solely rely on the sub-group of computer programmers to be the only ones who know how this magic works. The more we regular folks in all fields know about the core building blocks of the web such as html, css, javascript and other web technologies the less we need to rely on web giants such as facebook, google, etc. to use the web. We know that the web giants track our every click but they also probably own everything you write on their platform (have you ever read their terms of service agreements?). We shouldn't let our communication be filtered through the algorithms of the web giants. There is an enormous amount of educational material regarding web technology freely available (and they might track your clicks, who knows?). We recommend the following introductory lessons on building simple web pages with your bare hands. It's fun to learn and it might turn into your favorite hobby.- learn the basics and more at w3schools and Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
- Learn several technologies at freecode camp
- Listening to podcasts can acquaint you with new technologies. Some of our favorites are:

The Practice room is available to listen to scales, intervals, chords, chord progression and rhythms. You can work on eartraining in the Practice Room.
Since 1997 Mike Sult / OpenMind Publishing Send comments to: mikesult@guitarland.com