Deficit Spending

What I don't understand is the apparent lack of will of 
Republicans politicians to balance the budget.

I can't recommend that financial irresponsibility 
to my daughter.  I want her to learn to live within
her means.  But here is what has happened regarding
deficit spending in the last quarter of century.


---- Reagan ----------------------------
1981 - deficit $128 Billion
1982 - deficit $208 Billion
1983 - deficit $185 Billion
1984 - deficit $212 Billion
---- Reagan ----------------------------
1985 - deficit $221 Billion
1986 - deficit $150 Billion
1987 - deficit $150 Billion
1988 - deficit $155 Billion 
(1.409 TRILLION total for Reagan's two terms)
---- H.W. Bush ----------------------------
1989 - deficit $152 Billion
1990 - deficit $221 Billion
1991 - deficit $269 Billion
1992 - deficit $290 Billion
(932 BILLION total for H.W.Bush)
---- Clinton ----------------------------
1993 - deficit $255 Billion
1994 - deficit $203 Billion
1995 - deficit $164 Billion
1996 - deficit $108 Billion
---- Clinton ----------------------------
1997 - deficit  $22 Billion
1998 - SURPLUS  $69 Billion
1999 - SURPLUS $124 Billion
2000 - SURPLUS $236 Billion
(461 BILLION total for Clinton's two terms)
---- W. Bush ----------------------------
2001 - SURPLUS  $31 Billion
2002 - deficit $300 Billion
2003 - deficit $400 Billion
2004 - deficit $440 Billion
---- W. Bush ----------------------------
projected from Bush's press conference:
2005 - deficit $350 Billion
2006 - deficit $300 Billion
2007 - deficit $250 Billion
2008 - deficit $200 Billion
(projected 2.209 TRILLION total for W.Bush's two terms)

During Republican Presidency's we're tacked on 4.5 TRILLION 
to the national debt.

1.409 (Reagan)
 .932 (H.W.Bush)
2.209 (W.Bush)

With Clinton's 461 BILLION deficit factored in, we top
5 TRILLION added to the debt for the last 7 presidencies.

Only Clinton's 2nd term shows a net surplus but in his 1st
term unfortunately he was fiscally just like a Republican.
Fortunately for the country he was able to turn that around
during his second term.

So 5 of the last 7 administrations have been Republican 
(71 percent) but they've racked up 90 percent of the debt 
during that time.  There is no evidence supporting the 
reputation Republican politicians have that they are 
"fiscally responsible".  Maybe you Republican citizens 
are fiscally responsible but I don't see evidence that
your politicians are.

No, I did not claim that Democrats politicians are fiscally
responsible, I'm simply tired of hearing that Democrats 
are the only ones who are fiscally irresponsible.
It's an epidemic on both sides and the evidence points 
to the Republicans as being the worst exploiters of
our children's credit card.  It needs to stop.

During this decade I hope.