Business as Usual

I think an appropriate time has passed since the passing of
President Reagan.  Now the mudslinging can start up again.

I will comment that although I wasn't a big fan of President
Reagan, he was obviously extremely well loved and millions
wanted to honor him in the highest and pay their last respects.
Regardless of one's own political views, the one common thread
that I heard about him was his genuine good nature and sense
of decency.  After the day's work was done he could sit down
with his political rival, Tip O'Neill, and the fellow Irishmen
would tip the cup and pleasantly tell tall tales to each other.

I remember his disarming comment that he used in debates:
"Well..., there you go again"

Nowadays it's more like
"That is a pack of LIES and YOU are a traitor!!!!"

So next time, when I'm pissed about something President Bush is
doing or saying or not doing or not saying, instead of my usual
"That is a pack of lies and YOU, Mr. President, YOU are the traitor!!!!"
I'll just calmly say to myself "Well..., there you go again."
And go for the irish whiskey.

I'll be drunk most of the summer, I suppose.

I can't wait for this election, if only to help my impending drinking

The background noise in my house is talk radio, mostly KGO where most
of the hosts are left-of-center, especially from 10pm thru the morning.
I hear so much of left wing viewpoints that sometimes I can't standup
completely straight.  I'm leaning to the left and my back aches a little.
I think that KGO is one of the few stations by which one can become
inflicted with this ailment.  So as an antidote, I turn over to "hottalk"
KSFO where mostly right-of-center views are aired.  Sean Hannity, Rush
Limbaugh, Laura Ingram and others give the other side of the story.  Oh
sure, my backache goes away, but what really bothers me is the "take" on
the issues is sooooooooo different from conservative to liberal that I
wonder which one is full of crap because at least one of them has to be.
Maybe both.

So where do we find the truth?

KGO TV new anchor and radio talk show host Pete Wilson (not former CA gov)
who himself is "painfully fair" (as another host called him) has suggested
the following site for helping slow down the spin so that we can see the
real situation.

He was using it to debunk Michael Moore's upcoming movie "Fahrenheit 9/11".
But when I went there I saw that it is an equal opportunity debunker site, with
plenty of criticism for the statements made by both Republicans and Democrats.
So I offer it up as another place to check the veracity of the mudslinging
charges made from both sides.  That is, if veracity matters to you.

Oh by the way, I saw our future CA governor, Jack Fraenza, the guy is a brute.
He's already doing reps of pushups and I think some air guitar moves.  It'll
be nice when we have a governor who plays guitar.  Don't you think?

Did you know that John Kerry plays guitar?  That alone should win him the
classical guitar vote.  But I'm not sure that voting bloc will push him over
the top.